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Blog Oberthur Cash Protection

13/10/2021 - Reading time 3 min

How to protect ATMs from physical attacks?

Off-premise deployments are very attractive for financial institutions but the risk of an ATM attack is significantly higher at such locations. Bank business models are moving towards the use of large numbers of self-ser( ... )

04/10/2021 - Reading time 2 min

How to tackle the last 10 years increase of ATM attacks in Germany ?

For more than 10 years, ATMs attacks in Germany have been an issue that banks have been unable to satisfactorily address, despite there being clear evidence that for many years IBNS cash protection systems have proven to( ... )

27/09/2021 - Reading time 1 min

Oberthur Cash Protection aims to reduce operational impact

Operating responsibility is the key for a sustainable business. We in Oberthur Cash Protection recognise that we work in a resource constrained world so we are evolving our business to adapt to the challenges.

01/07/2021 - Reading time 2 min

How IBNS and associated technologies can prevent physical attacks ?

For over 30 years, our customers have been using Oberthur Cash Protection’s IBNS systems to reduce attacks during cash operations bringing intelligence physically close from the banknotes. Today, our IBNS systems are man( ... )

11/05/2021 - Reading time 2 min

Oberthur Cash Protection & IBNS : over 30 years experience

Oberthur Cash Protection, a subsidiary of Oberthur Fiduciaire Group, invented the IBNS concept during the mid 80’s and have been developing it ever since for use in the Cash in Transit, ATM, and Retail global environment( ... )

03/05/2021 - Reading time 2 min

The future of ATM cash protection

With all the recent conjecture about the limited future of cash, digital cash usage will undoubtedly continue to increase, but with half the world’s population without another viable option, including 2 million people in( ... )

09/03/2021 - Reading time 1 min

Oberthur Group provides a unique expertise of producing and protecting banknotes

Oberthur Group The Oberthur Group has been established in 1842 and acquired by Mr. Jean-Pierre Savare in 1984. The Group specializes in high-security printing and more specifically banknote printing. The design and produ( ... )
