18/02/2022 - Reading time 4 min
Throughout the Pandemic, the Cash in Transit companies played an important role by ensuring the public continued to have access to cash; in the meantime, they became the central pillar of the cash management industry in ( ... )
10/02/2022 - Reading time 3 min
The commercial pressures on Cash in Transit companies mean that they are forever looking to offer improved services at a reduce cost but without compromising on security and the safety of their operatives. The use of Int( ... )
04/01/2022 - Reading time 4 min
Before you can understand how to best protect an ATM from physical attack, you need to be aware of the vulnerable points that are attacked by criminals. ATMs are seen as attractive targets by criminals as they are often ( ... )
20/12/2021 - Reading time 2 min
Pulling off a successful heist is not as easy as it seems. However, despite all the efforts made by ATM deployers both Independent and Banks, as well as the Cash in Transit companies to prevent attacks there have been so( ... )
07/12/2021 - Reading time 2 min
ATM attacks continually evolve as measures are put in place to deter them with higher-grade vaults, anti-explosive vaults and anti-skimming devices etc. Criminals consistently look for weak points in both ATMs and their ( ... )
29/11/2021 - Reading time 3 min
As banking technology evolves, so do the criminal’s abilities to carry out even more sophisticated financial scams where fraudsters look at the whole payments ecosystem to identify weak points. Today, it is not simply en( ... )
17/11/2021 - Reading time 4 min
While criminals look to new and even more inventive ways to attack ATMs such as jackpotting, cash-out, the frequency of traditional physical attacks continues to grow. The first explosive ATM attacks using gas and solid ( ... )
08/11/2021 - Reading time 2 min
Automated Teller Machines meet consumers demands for 24/7 access to cash. This is seen with ATMs in locations such as retail stores, shopping malls, gas stations, and transport hubs. The convenience that ATMs offer is no( ... )
02/11/2021 - Reading time 2 min
Cash Intelligent Banknote Neutralisation Systems, IBNS, are a proven deterrent against ATM and CiT physical crimes. Ink staining technology is the most efficient way to identify banknotes as being stolen. In some countri( ... )
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