04/03/2025 - Reading time 1 min
France has witnessed an unprecedented decline in physical attacks by criminals on ATMs, thanks to cutting-edge developments in security technology. Over the past decade, the implementation of Intelligent Banknote Neutral( ... )
01/12/2023 - Reading time 3 min
In an age dominated by digital transactions, the imperative to fortify the security of physical currency remains of most importance. This article delves into why central banks, the custodians of a nation's monetary stabi( ... )
27/09/2021 - Reading time 1 min
Operating responsibility is the key for a sustainable business. We in Oberthur Cash Protection recognise that we work in a resource constrained world so we are evolving our business to adapt to the challenges.
11/05/2021 - Reading time 2 min
Oberthur Cash Protection, a subsidiary of Oberthur Fiduciaire Group, invented the IBNS concept during the mid 80’s and have been developing it ever since for use in the Cash in Transit, ATM, and Retail global environment( ... )
Oberthur Cash Protection - RCS PARIS B 340 709 534
3 bis rue du docteur Quignard
B.P. 67907 - 21079 DIJON CEDEX
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CS 30003 - 75384 Paris Cedex 08
+33(0)1 42 99 77 00
Mail : ocp@oberthurcp.com
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